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Christmas Vacation Printables

When I started this blog last January, I was already excited to design and post printables for Christmas. Eleven months later, the time had come to design my much anticipated printable holiday swag. But I was stuck. Completely stuck. I had no inspiration. So I started to look for inspiration and cruised around on craftgawker. I quickly came across an adorable Christmas Movie Bingo. Well, it got me thinking about Christmas movies and ah-ha! Inspiration arrived!

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation is my absolute favorite Christmas movie. I probably watch it at least five times between Thanksgiving and Christmas and when I'm not watching it, I'm quoting it. It's one of the most quotable movies I know (Home Alone is a close runner up). So here is a set of printables to honor the infamous Clark W. Griswold and his gaggle of relatives ...

Dress up a wine bottle, frame the subway art, or mail a card to send some Christmas cheer.

(print on card stock, cut around, and using a large hole punch (1 1/2 to 2 inch) or scissors cut a hole in the top, fold just below the circle to hang on the bottle)

(print on cardstock, cut, fold, send)

Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

- Kendra

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